Welcome from our SEND Coordinator
At our Academy we understand that applying to a new school is a big undertaking, and can feel especially daunting if your child has a special educational need or disability (SEND).
As Ark Elvin's SEND Coordinator, I will work closely with you, your child, and our school staff to create a learning environment where your child can make exceptional progress and fulfil their potential.
Pupils are not defined by the barriers they face, and as a school we are responsible for ensuring that pupils and the adults around them believe this. Those with an identified SEND will leave Elvin with the skills and knowledge to live fulfilling and purposeful lives with access to the same opportunities that their peers enjoy. The SEND curriculum is designed to provide targeted support for pupils to help them fully access the Elvin curriculum to which they are entitled. The SEND provision at Elvin aims to create a clear framework of opportunities for pupils to learn how to manage within school and have full access to opportunities in the world around them.
Please review the links below to see the full range of support we can offer and if you have any questions in the meantime, please get in contact and I will be very happy to chat with you.
Ms Hannah Johnson
Our day-to-day working practices and procedures around SEND
How we meet students' special educational needs