World Book Day

Thursday 6th March was World Book Day!
World Book Day

World Book Day is celebrated to promote the joy of reading and to highlight the importance of books in our lives. Be it for learning, escapism, or enjoyment, we think books and reading are vitally important. 


World Book Day Book Giveaway

To mark World Book Day, pupils in Year 7 and 8 received a free book to keep and take home. Pupils received books written by esteemed children’s authors and poets such as Tom Palmer, Kiran Millwood Hargrave, Benjamin Dean and Joseph Coelho.  


World Book Day Tokens 

Every pupil in KS3 received a World Book Day token. This token can be used in exchange for one of the World Book Day books or be used to get £1 off any other book purchase.  

(Click here for link to tokens)

World Book Day classroom


Local businesses that accept the World Book Day tokens include: 

  • Asda 

  • Tesco 

  • Morrisons 

  • Sainsbury’s 

  • WH Smiths 

  • Waterstones 

  • Independent bookshops 


World Book Day Quiz 

At lunch time, we hosted our annual World Book Day Quiz in the school library. It was great to see pupils from all year groups attending, and testing their knowledge of books, comics and literature.  

Congratulations to this year’s winner, Tristan Ryan-Stewart (yr8. Tristan is joined on the podium by this year’s runners-up, David Iftime-Constantin (Yr7) and Tomasz Zebrowski (Yr8). 

Our top three competitors will be receiving a bundle of books in their year group assembly next week.