Today, our pupils and staff are celebrating another set of excellent GCSE results.
- Our pupils made outstanding progress in every subject the academy offers.
- Our pupils made better progress and achieved higher grades than before the pandemic (2019) when grade boundaries were last set at the same level.
- A third of pupils achieved top grades in at least 5 subjects.
Our Principal, Ms Curtis, said “We are so proud of our class of 2023 – they have been through so much over the last five years and have made outstanding progress in all their subjects. This set of results reflects all the hard work of our staff, pupils, parents and carers – it really is such a team effort. This year group have excelled in so many ways – not just in their exam results – this year group is made up of talented and creative artists, musicians, actors, sports people, computer scientists, social entrepreneurs and certainly leaders of the future. Following on from our fantastic sixth form results and our Year 13s securing places at top universities and apprenticeships last week and our Outstanding OFSTED in the Summer term... 2023 really has seen Ark Elvin Academy dare for greatness.”
Here are some of our top attainers.

Nayan Pandey achieved seven grade 9s, two grade 8s and one grade 7. He is now going onto study A-Level Maths, Physics, Computer Science and Further Maths. “I’m very proud and elated about my results. My cousin had great results last year and my main aim was to beat him, and I did! I want to thank all my teachers for their support”

Anshul Shah achieved seven grade 9s, two grade 8s and a grade 5. He is off to study A Level Maths, Economics, Further maths and Geography. “I’m very happy. It was worth all the late nights and revision”

Behlool Kahn achieved four grade 9s, three grade 8’s, one grade 7 and a grade 6. He is going to study A-level Computer Science, Maths, Further Maths and Physics. “I feel good! I want you to say thanks especially to Mr Wanasingha for making Maths fun!”

Hirali Dilipo achieved one grade 9, seven grade 8s and two grade 7s. She going to study A Level Maths, Economics and Chemistry. “I feel so proud. This is exactly what I wanted. I want to thank my Maths and Science teachers for pushing me till the end!”
A number of pupils overcame significant barriers and made extraordinary progress.

Rudrik Hari arrived in this country and joined the Academy at the start of year 10. In just two years his 100% attendance record and hard work meant that he was able to make incredible progress scoring top grades in his science and maths GCSEs. He is going on to study Engineering. “I’m happy with my results. Thanks to all my teachers for helping me out a lot especially Ms Flanagan and Mr Stoner”.

Jace Fernandes joined the school with low prior attainment and his hard work and resilience meant that he surpassed all his target grades and went on to achieve across all his subjects including four grade 8s. He is off to Ark Academy to study A-Level Chemistry, Biology and Economics. “I feel so proud. I didn’t think I would do so well”.

Similarly, Deborah Mundele outperformed her target grades achieving top marks of a grade 9 in History and a distinction in performing arts. She is also off to Ark academy to study A-Level Psychology, Biology and Maths. “I feel proud of my results. Thank you to all my teachers especially Ms Bunker for believing in me and Mr Wanasingha for helping find a passion for Maths”.