On Friday 3rd March, our school community celebrated World Book Day.
In the week running up to World Book Day, year groups attended a World Book Day assembly, delivered by our Librarian, Ms Jenner.
In her assembly, pupils reflected on the power of books and literature; their ability to increase readers' empathy, imagination, knowledge and critical thinking.
In the morning, pupils in year 7 and year 8 were surprised with a special World Book Day treat. Each pupil was gifted a free World Book Day book. Pupils were delighted to have received books from authors, Lenny Henry, Katie & Kevin Tsang, A. M. Dassu and science writer, Adam Kay.
At lunch time, the library really was the place to be. Pupils took part in activities and competitions, with many pupils winning (you guessed it!) books to take home for themselves and their families.
Throughout the day, pupils participated in a game of Book Recommendation Bingo. Pupils were given a bingo sheet to fill with their teacher's book recommendations. At the end of the day, pupils left with dozens of book recommendations. Well done to Milroy, who managed to be the first pupil to fill his bingo sheet, and as a result, heading home with 20 book recommendations and some free World Book Day books.
At the end of the day, pupils visited the library for a final time, to take part in the Ultimate World Book Day Quiz. Pupils went up against teachers to prove their expert literary knowledge. Well done to Fayha, who managed to claim a victory, beating fellow pupils and members of staff.