On Friday 11 November, the Elvin community marked Remembrance Day with a flag raising ceremony to honour those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we have today.
Over the last week, students had the opportunity to explore the purpose of remembrance in assemblies, learning about Jamaican-born Connie Mark OBE, who contributed to World War Two as a medical secretary in the Auxiliary Territorial Service.

Students also had the opportunity to buy poppies at break and lunch times to fundraise for the Royal British Legion.

Mihai-Andrei Zamfira (10 Shah-Mohamed), an active Police Cadet, raised our new 'Commonwealth' Flag which symbolises the efforts of all countries in previous major conflicts.

Each form group also created a poppy with their own remembrance message, displayed on a wreath for each year group. The week culminated in Ark Elvin’s memorial ceremony, in which representatives from the student body: Lilly Kerr-Steen (7 Lewis), Pankita Pareshkumar (8 Poopola- Wasim), Latifa Ismail (9 Kader), Bernardo Tavares Ramos (10 Organ-Ellen), Dhritiksha Shantilal (11 Peto) and Antonio Pires (12 Burrows), laid the wreaths. The Commonwealth flag was raised to symbolise the sacrifices of those from around the world.

The entire school then observed an impeccable minute’s silence, taking time to remember those who have been, and those who still are, affected by conflict.

The winner of this year’s Remembrance Day poetry competition is Zahar Zaklinskyi, 11 Kunnassery.