On Friday 11th November 2022, year 12 visited PWC London bridge offices as part of a programme designed to develop their employability skills. PWC is the 2nd largest professional services firm, employing 24,000 people across the UK. It has a global reputation and offers a range of employment opportunities ranging from school leaver programmes, graduate jobs and apprenticeships.

Our students explored listening skills, communication skills and in during their lunch break had to prepare a presentation responding to a chosen scenario as though they worked for PWC. Our students impressed the PWC volunteers with their thoughtful responses and courage they showed to present their solutions to a panel.

At the end, the volunteers discussed the different paths into a role at PWC and the support they offer for those who are considering applying to work for PWC, especially as apprentices.

Support for year 13 apprenticeship applications is offered through workshops and weekly drop ins Wednesday P5 and 6 in the sixth form study room.