Life at our Academy is so much more than just lessons
We are proud to offer an exciting variety of extra-curricular activities, helping our pupils to uncover their passions, expand their horizons and become well-rounded individuals.
Whether learning an instrument, taking part in a school performance, representing the school at sport, or something else entirely, we are confident every pupil will find an extra-curricular activity they love at our school.
News Search
Activities day - Tuesday 13th December 2022
For Activities Day on the 13th of December, we were so excited to travel to our fun and educational...
Year 9 take part in the First Give Programme
During form time in Personal, Social, Health and Economic education lessons, Year 9 participated in...
Sister Act - The Musical
Over the last six months, more than 70 students and the Performing Arts team have been hard at work...
Ark Athletics Championship
Schools from across the Ark network came together to compete in the inaugural Ark Athletics...
Spectacular performances at the Barbican Centre
The tenth Ark Music Gala had a packed audience of nearly 1300 guests, including teachers, support...